Edways Learning Hub

Preparing Your Child for the Transition to an International School

Written by Edways Team | Mar 15, 2023 5:05:40 PM

Making the transition to an international school in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can be both an exciting and challenging experience for your child. To ensure a smooth and successful transition, it's crucial to prepare your child well in advance. In this blog post, we'll explore some helpful tips and strategies for making the process as seamless as possible for your child.

  1. Research and select the right school

Before anything else, you must choose the right international school for your child. Consider factors such as the school's curriculum, the quality of education, extracurricular activities, and the school's community. Edways provides you with verified, accurate and unbiased information that can help you evaluate the performance and quality of schools in UAE. Make sure to visit the schools you're considering and talk to teachers, administrators, and other parents to gather more information.

  1. Encourage open communication

Discuss the upcoming transition with your child openly and honestly. Encourage them to express their feelings, fears, and concerns about moving to a new school. Reassure them that it's normal to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety, and let them know you're there to support them throughout the process.

  1. Familiarize them with the new culture

Moving to an international school in the UAE means experiencing a new culture, which can be both enriching and overwhelming for a child. Help your child understand and appreciate the local customs, traditions, and etiquette by exposing them to books, movies, or documentaries about the UAE. If possible, visit the country before the school year starts to acclimate your child to the new environment.

  1. Enhance language skills

If your child will be attending a school where the primary language of instruction is different from their native language, it's essential to help them improve their language skills. Enroll them in language classes or hire a tutor to provide additional support. Encourage your child to practice speaking, reading, and writing in the new language to build their confidence and fluency.

  1. Prepare for academic differences

The curriculum and teaching methods at international schools may differ significantly from what your child is accustomed to. Familiarize yourself with the new curriculum, and work with your child to ensure they're prepared for any academic differences they may encounter. This might involve reviewing essential subjects or concepts, or practicing new study techniques.

  1. Establish a support network

Building a network of friends and acquaintances will be crucial for your child's adjustment to a new school. Reach out to other families who will be attending the same school and arrange playdates or social gatherings to help your child form connections. Join parent-teacher associations or online forums to connect with other parents and share advice and support.

  1. Foster independence

Encourage your child to be more independent in their daily routine. This might involve letting them manage their schedule, complete tasks on their own, or make decisions about their extracurricular activities. Fostering independence will help your child build the confidence and skills they need to thrive in a new environment.

Transitioning to an international school in the UAE can be an incredible opportunity for your child to grow, learn, and experience a new culture. By taking the time to prepare your child for this significant change, you'll set them up for a successful and fulfilling experience. Remember that open communication, cultural understanding, and a strong support network are the keys to a smooth and positive transition.